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Bank Indonesia Donates Medical Devices Handling COVID-19 through the National Task Force

  • Admin
  • 28/05/2020

JAKARTA - The National Task Force again received donations to handle the COVID-19 pandemic. This time Bank Indonesia (BI) provided assistance in the form of medical equipment which was handed over by Onny Widjanarko as Executive Director - Head of the Department of Communication symbolically at Graha BNPB, Jakarta on Wednesday (27/5).

Through digital space, BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said that his party has a Covid Care BI Movement program by providing medical equipment, such as personal protective equipment (PPE) and rapid test kits. The BI assistance was valued at Rp.13.75 billion.

"The Covid Concern BI Movement is a commitment of BI officials, the Board of Governors, leaders and all BI employees to handle COVID-19, by setting aside part of our income. In addition, it is also one of BI's humanitarian social programs," Perry said.

Perry added that BI always supports all parties who handle COVID-19, both at central and regional levels.

"We fully support all parties involved in handling COVID-19 as the frontline for humanitarian fighters," he said.

Meanwhile, Doni Monardo as Chairman of the National Task Force said, "With the Covid Concern BI Movement, this indicates Bank Indonesia has a great concern for the public."

"The leaders and employees of Bank Indonesia have a great attention to the community by setting aside their income to help deal with Covid-19, we will channel this assistance to medical personnel, volunteers and all those who need it," concluded Doni.

The assistance given was in the form of personal protective equipment, masks and rapid test kits with a total of Rp. 13,750,020,000.00.

National Task Force Public Communications Team

Source: https://covid19.go.id/p/berita/bank-indonesia-donasikan-alat-kesehatan-penanganan-covid-19-melalui-gugus-tugas-nasional