Handover Ceremony of the Board of Directors of PT KDB Tifa Finance Tbk (“the Company”) was held on Wednesday, 24 February 2021, previously all candidates of the Board of Directors had received approval from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) for the Fit and Proper Test and the legality process had been fulfilled. With the handover, the members of the Company's Board of Directors became Kim Kang Soo (President Director), Ester Gunawan (Director), Kim Kyung Woo (Director) and Ina Dashinta Hamid (Director). With the composition of the new Board of Directors and the vision and mission that will be carried out, it is hoped that it will be able to bring future developments to the Company as well as improvements in all aspects both financial and non-financial, and make the Company one of the leading finance companies that contribute optimally to the development of the national economy.